Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Google getting into Print Ads

How would all of you here react if i say that Google is on its way to become a full fledged ad broker and who knows in future it might just become an ad agency. Google is planning to become a mediator between the newspapers and the companies bidding for adwords. when a company bids through the adword campaign, Google will send it to the papers and then it is the decision of the papers to accept that bid and design that ad. I doubt the feasibility of this step.
1. its not in sync with what Google represents at present
2. we all know that companies are leaving newspapers and turing to internet advertising, then why would a company want to go back to newspaper advertising.
3. arent there enough companies already who handle the print medium and TV medium ads?? what is Google offering as a differentiator.
One thing Google can do is place the ads in online version of the papers, but then these papers take so much time to upload and offer almost no benefit over the normal news websites, that they are going to obsolete very soon. I wonder what is Google's logic behind this decision....

Saturday, November 18, 2006


A new social network search engine called wink has been introduced. At present the site just includes contacts from bebo, myspace and linkedin. Here you can just put in the name and it lets you view the people by that name and wink them, i.e. send them messages from the same place that is wink....
Initially i thought it allows you to search everyone on a network but thank God i was wrong. You can search even if u are not a member, but only those people who have signed into wink are in the search database. It also allows people to bookmark good links, or to store good links about a particular subject, which in wink parlance is called "collection". I would say its just an ofshoot of the social networks mania.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Social networking or Spamming???

For all those, who have been flooded with invitations from their friends to join Gazzag, have a look at this article.

Google and Yahoo! targeting mobile phones

Google and Yahoo! are planning to target mobile customers for advts. The advts. might be text based, images or video clips. This will just increase the clutter that is there on our mobiles. Already there are a lot of calls advertising about credit cards and what not. I don't think this measure will be much effective as the customers are bound to object to advt. messages disturbing them every now and then. I guess the companies will have to come out with something like a "Do not Disturb policy for the customers. Lets see what happens in near future.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Yahoo to come out with IM in Mail box

Yahoo copies Google once again, it is planning to come out with IM service in Mail box, just like own dear Google has Gtalk in Gmail. I fail to understand what is the problem in Yahoo!. I have hardly seen any genuine ideas from them. For a full article about the same topic visit

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Yahoo! ads on Indian Television

Yahoo! has come up with ads in TV. I guess ads of such a product are coming for the first time in Indian television history. I guess this is enough to re-inforce the fact that mass media still holds an important position in Indian market place. True that in internet services, word-of-mouth is the best method, but in India where very few people have an email account, what better way to inform the first time users. Though this ads beats all the creativity blocks. This ad clearly shows the aggression of Yahoo! towards Indian customers. Recently Google's head, Eric Schimdt has also hinted on Google targetting India.